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Home Donate to fre:ac

Donate to fre:ac Print E-mail
Saturday, 18 May 2024 17:31

Please make a donation if you find fre:ac useful and would like to support this project! All donations will be put towards the further development of fre:ac. Your support shows us that you are interested in what we are doing and that we should keep on spending so much time to make fre:ac even better.

Donate using PayPal

If you have a PayPal account or a major credit card (Visa, MasterCard, American Express), donating is easy. Just click the buttons in the right sidebar to donate $5, $10 or any amount of your choice.

In many countries, including most EU countries, you can use PayPal to donate by direct debit even without creating a PayPal account.

Donate with DonorBox

Alternatively, you can make a donation using DonorBox. This enables credit card donations without a PayPal account and allows making recurrent donations. Click the button to open the donation form:


SEPA Bank Transfer

If you have an account with a bank in the SEPA area, you can donate by making a money transfer to our account. The account data is as follows:

IBAN: DE11 2001 0020 0851 8512 07

Donate Bitcoins or Ether

You can donate Bitcoins to the fre:ac project by sending them to our Bitcoin address:


Similarly, you can send Ether to our Ethereum address:


Other donations

If you wish to donate to fre:ac by mailing a cheque or money order or would like to donate hardware or software, please contact us under

Top donors list

The top 20 donors will be listed in the top donors list on this page; the top three donors on the whole site. You currently need donations adding up to $160 to enter the list or $500 to make it into the top 3. Your name on the list is a great way to show your support for the fre:ac project.

Please contact us under if you would like your entry linked to a website. This may be any personal or company website as long as it does not serve adult or illegal content. We also reserve the right to reject sites carrying political content at our discretion.

Please give us 24 hours to update the list after you made a donation. If you prefer not to be on the list or you think you qualify for being included but do not see your name after 24 hours, please contact us under